Pure and easy

Chip Taylor

Blue Room Sessions Verkadefabriek Den Bosch, 31 oktober 2017

Taylor and Platania

Onderstaande verslag is afkomstig van het Road Journal van Chip Taylor zelf.

Oct 31, 2017 - Den Bosch - The blue room sessions

Sold out show was organized by a great guy named "Ad" (Adrian).. Big thanks Ad .. you did a fine job!

We arrived in time to put our instruments on the stage and walk about 100 yards to a cool little restaurant... Where we met our distributor and friend for many many years, Bert Pijper .. Who had booked this show and several others on this tour for us... huge thanks Bert., it's been a great tour!

After a great dinner .. we went back to The venue and John and I did a quick sound check with a great young engineer.. Matthew.

We then relaxed in our dressing room and hit the stage at exactly 8:30.

Set one

Again... The folks seem to love the idea of this tour... We are calling it Last Chance 2017.. .. there seems to be a great deal of enthusiasm for us playing the first five songs from Last Chance in a row.. and explaining a little about each... It's been that way at every show.

The highlights in that segment were too many to explain but the interaction with John and I was at a very high level in the spirit of those songs ... so it seem like we are right back in the spirit of those times with at very least the original enthusiasm.

You could hear the audience doing more than just clapping at the end of most of those including "Son of a Rotten Gambler" and "Coal Fields of Shikshinny"

"I Wasn't Born in Tennessee" sort of brought the house down... It was almost like an encore number ... but we were just in the middle of our show!!

And we blasted right from there to the story and song of Joan Joan Joan.. The audiences absolutely love this!! And tonight Joan waved to them from the corner after all the cheering.

The audience also continues that love affair with Joan with the song "A Song I Can live With" And we closed out with a soulful and beautiful version of "Angel of the Morning" where John played some of the most chilling things ever.

Set two

We begin songs from the second of the Warner Bros. trilogy... the album, "Some Of Us" ..Starting with the first ever country hit on Warner Bros., my "Me as I Am".. then my biggest ever hit on the label, "Early Sunday Morning" ..Closing with the tribute to my father with the song "Some of Us".. this silent prayerful song brought the house down tonight in the most beautiful manner..It was like we were all saying the silent prayer together

Then it was off to the story of my coming to Holland the 1975 and the heroics of my back up band Wildwood Flower ..ending with the number one single .. "Same old Story" with the audience singing along and it was a total total fan favorite.

Then we drifted to two songs from my 2007 book/album "Songs from a Dutch Tour".. The first... "Dance With A Hole In Your Shoe" has been a fan favorite for all these years.. The audience was chatting the chorus with us and just totally into the vibe of it.

Certainly one of the highlights tonight was another song from "songs from the Dutch tour" .. I had written this song 10 years ago for a lovely young girl named Roos and her mom and dad Jan and Antoinnette and a bunch of her school teachers... They were all there tonight... Somehow I remembered all the words and it was very touching and as pretty and warm as a song can be .. again..the audience absolutely loved this.

Then we played a song that I've been playing for years... Johnny Cash's Big River and the audience clapped along in time with us and we're totally part of the honest country spirit of that song... Maybe the biggest response of the night came next when we did John Tucker's On The Wagon Again... also from "This Side Of The Big River".. this song was always a fan favorite as I remember from 1975... And it was exactly the same today... I love playing this tonight again John was amazing.. so so warm and soulful on this.

Then it was off to our Spotify hit... The song I wrote for the prisoners... "Fuck all the Perfect People"... And this was certainly a highlight is well... Lots of highlights tonight!

I took a little break here to mention Paul Smith who passed away not too long ago and was so much responsible for good warm meaningful music in these parts... I've seen him a couple years ago on tour ..he was a revered guy... I heard that they played my song "He's a Good Guy... As Well You Know" during the celebration of his life a few weeks ago... So I played that for the folks tonight in his memory.. it seem like a gentle prayer for all of us.

We ended the show tonight with the track 11 from Last Chance which was the song "Last Chance"... We went right from there to a crazy rockin version of Wild Thing with everybody singing along... This was a special special night... Thanks to all who attended .. we won't forget this one.

Special hi to my great friends Leanne and Martin.. we have been the best of friends and this thing totally together since back in 1974 .. it's great that it doesn't stop!

Much love to my special friend Roos .. her mom and dad .. Jan and Antoinette and some of Roos' teachers from ten years ago.

So great to see you... Wish we had much more time to spend together..

Big hello to my drummer friend from the original Wildwood Flower Andre and his son Carl... Wildwood Flower was the magical country band that backed me up back in 1974 .. I love thinking about those magical times .. the first time I ever set foot in this wonderful country.

Wonderful to see you both... Andre thanks so much for putting the posters up in the dressing room... we will travel with them home and be proud to have them... Like I was proud to work with you guys back then ..so proud.

Big hello to Jan and his niece Renee.. thanks so much for the kind words Jan... It was great to see you both during the show in the back by the bar... I could tell how much you were into the show and it was very inspiring to John and me on stage!

Hi Theo nice to see you tonight... Wish I had a chance to say hello to all those around you at the end of the evening... What a nice spirit you all had

Hi Eric and Maryke.. And Walter and Ghilaine .. Kees and Arnold.. and Peter and Arnold.. and Wytse

.. and Kees and Brenda and Paul... and Ton and Annemieke... so good to see you and talk to you... hi to another Tom and Maryke and Herman and Robbie ... and Chantral.. so nice talking to you... Hu Kees.... and Rob and Judith... and Ine...

So good to see you all and to all who attended... Thanks so much for special night.

Chip Taylor.


Gitarist John Platania

Ticket Blue Room Sessions